The Participatory Development Models on the Water Resources Management of Water Users in The Royal Initiative Development Project of Nam Khum River Basin


  • Kotchakorn Dechakhamphu
  • Yupaporn Yupas
  • Saovalak Kosonkittiampon
  • Wittaya Charoensri


Model; Participatory Management; Water Management


This research aimed to study the factors influencing the water management and 2) to present the models of the participatory development on the water management using the Mixed methods: quantitative used by questionnaire. The data collection was collected by the sample groups of 280 groups of the water users registered with the Royal Initiative Development Project of Nam Gum.  LISREL 8.50 program was used to analyze the factors influencing the water management of the water users. Qualitative method was also used through the focus groups in order to select the target groups by the Purposive Sampling.  They were 30 peoples. The Content Analysis was used to analyze the data. The research findings were found as follows: the highest factor influencing the water management of the water users was strength. The second was an endorsement from the outside organizations, water users’ satisfaction, news and information perception of water management, and problem perception of water management, roles of group leaders, and knowing and understanding of the water users. By the model creation of the participatory development on the water management, it was found that the total 7 factors were developed into the 3 main factors: 1) internal factors of the water user groups: development and reinforcement of the groups, 2) external factors of the water user groups: an endorsement from the outside organizations, and 3) internal factors of the water users: the water users’ development.


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How to Cite

Dechakhamphu, K., Yupas, Y., Kosonkittiampon, S., & Charoensri, W. (2018). The Participatory Development Models on the Water Resources Management of Water Users in The Royal Initiative Development Project of Nam Khum River Basin. Governance Journal, 6(2), 305–334. Retrieved from



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