A Concept of Patriarchy in Vinaya Pitaka


  • Phra Meschai Jaisamran
  • Pratuang Moung-on


Patriarchy; Control of Women; Vinaya Pitaka


This study aimed to investigate the concept of patriarchy in Vinaya Pitaka by using documentary research and content interpretation in five scriptures. It revealed that there were three ways of control in Patriarchy: (1) Women’s Reproduction, (2) Women’s Sexuality and (3) Women’s Mobility.  Although patriarchy was found in some original contents (45 titles) in Vinaya Pitaka, it was difficult to demonstrate an existence of conceptual/theoretical controls. Men had more rights and opportunities. The 45 titles were also employed to establish a set of precepts and contents. Female monks were later indicated in the precepts with patriarchy with some sexual inequality contents. Nevertheless, it was not intended to emphasize sexual discrimination among all Buddhist monks.



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How to Cite

Jaisamran, P. M., & Moung-on, P. (2018). A Concept of Patriarchy in Vinaya Pitaka. Governance Journal, 6(2), 533–558. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/gjournal-ksu/article/view/109797



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