Royal Succession in Ayutthaya Kingdom, 1350 – 1767 AD


  • Somkiat Wanthana


Royal Succession; Kingdom of Ayutthaya; Power Base


The main purpose of this research is to answer the question that whether there was any pattern of royal succession among 34 kings of Ayutthaya period (1350 – 1767 AD) The research method employed is that of Quentin Skinner’s “ History of Political Thought ” approach which emphasizes the “ context ” of the “ text ” , no less than the “ content ” of the text itself.  Main texts used for analysis are 10 versions of royal chronicles of Ayutthaya.  The research found out that royal succession of Ayutthaya depended on 2 important components: the “ power bases of the incumbents and the “ legitimacy ” of the successions. Both components, however, were not rigidly fixed but varied according to time and place. In short , the king of Ayutthaya was the one who possessed most “power”, “luck”, “merit”, and “charisma”.


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How to Cite

Wanthana, S. (2018). Royal Succession in Ayutthaya Kingdom, 1350 – 1767 AD. Governance Journal, 6(2), 559–588. Retrieved from



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