Knowledge Management Model for Promoting the learning Organization for Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mahidol University

Knowledge Management Model for Promoting the learning Organization for Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mahidol University


  • Sittiporn Chuleetham
  • Jularat Wattana
  • Choosak Ueangchokchai


Knowledge Management, Learning Organization, Mahidol University


This research aimed to 1) study the knowledge management condition for promoting the learning organization, 2) create the knowledge management model for promoting the learning organization, and 3) study the results of using the knowledge management model for promoting the learning organization.  The research was done with mixed methods.  The populations for the quantitative research consisted of 132 staffs of The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mahidol University. The participants for the qualitative research consisted of three executives of this case study. The group discussion was conducted with 11 experts. The research tools consisted of 1) the questionnaire; 2) the testing tool; and  3) the assessment tool.  The statistics for data analysis consisted of mean, percentage, and standard deviation.  The results found that:  1)  the knowledge management operation level of the knowledge management condition for promoting the learning organization was high;  2)  the knowledge management model for promoting the learning organization consisted of six steps; and 3)  The results of using the knowledge management model for promoting the learning organization are as follows:  Before and after using the knowledge management model. 

Keywords : Knowledge Management; Learning Organization; Mahidol University



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How to Cite

Chuleetham, S., Wattana, J., & Ueangchokchai, C. (2018). Knowledge Management Model for Promoting the learning Organization for Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mahidol University: Knowledge Management Model for Promoting the learning Organization for Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mahidol University. Governance Journal, 7(1), 127–150. Retrieved from



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