Causal Factors Affecting Democratic Political Culture of Undergraduate Students in the Universities in Bangkok and Metropolitan Areas

Causal Factors AffectiCausal Factors Affecting Democratic Political Culture of Undergraduate Students in the Universities in Bangkok and Metropolitan Areasng Democratic Political Culture of Undergraduate Students in the Universities in Bangkok and Metropolitan Areas


  • Wanlop Rathachatranon


Democratic Political Culture, Undergraduate Students, Causal Factors


This article purposed to study about causal factors related with democratic political cultural factor of undergraduate students in Universities in Bangkok and methopolitan area, Thailand. This research was a survey research by using a quantitative research methodology. Use samples total amount 399 peoples who are studying at undergraduate in Universities in Bangkok and methopolitan area. The statistics used the structural equation modeling (SEM). Result of the research found that model of structural relationships between political socialization and knowledge about Thai politics related with the democratic political culture factor, which was consistent with empirical data. This result based on the assumptions set as well as the political socialization factor had the highest influence on the democratic political culture factor.

Keywords: Democratic Political Culture; Undergraduate Students; Causal Factors



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How to Cite

Rathachatranon, W. (2018). Causal Factors Affecting Democratic Political Culture of Undergraduate Students in the Universities in Bangkok and Metropolitan Areas: Causal Factors AffectiCausal Factors Affecting Democratic Political Culture of Undergraduate Students in the Universities in Bangkok and Metropolitan Areasng Democratic Political Culture of Undergraduate Students in the Universities in Bangkok and Metropolitan Areas. Governance Journal, 7(1), 500–521. Retrieved from



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