Human Resource Development Guidelines Toward ASEAN Community of the Industrial Estates in Eastern: Laemchabang Industrial Estate, Chonburi

Human Resource Development Guidelines Toward ASEAN Community of the Industrial Estates in Eastern: Laemchabang Industrial Estate, Chonburi


  • Chatchawan Phuthonamochai
  • Kanyamon Inwang


Human Resources Development, ASEAN Community, Laem Chabang


This research purposed to study the factors of organizational characteristics affecting the development of human resources toward the ASEAN community of Laem Chabang industrial estate, Chon Buri. The research is a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. The results found that types of business groups, the amount of investment, the duration of investment, the duration to enter into ASEAN, affected to the overall opinion on human resource development as not difference. The results of multiple regression analysis with the factors affect the success of human resources development, it found that the determinants of work performance and an educational level have a significant effect on the success of human resource. Qualitative Research found that five key factors that contributed to the results of human resource management goals. Final, comparison results to find the consistency between quantitative research results and qualitative research. Human Resource Development to ASEAN Community Quantitative studies are consistent with most qualitative studies.

Keywords: Human Resources Development; ASEAN Community; Laem Chabang



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How to Cite

Phuthonamochai, C., & Inwang, K. (2018). Human Resource Development Guidelines Toward ASEAN Community of the Industrial Estates in Eastern: Laemchabang Industrial Estate, Chonburi: Human Resource Development Guidelines Toward ASEAN Community of the Industrial Estates in Eastern: Laemchabang Industrial Estate, Chonburi. Governance Journal, 7(1), 554–571. Retrieved from



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