Network Governance of the Narcotics Prevention and Suppression Center of Pakham District, Buriram Province

Network Governance of the Narcotics Prevention and Suppression Center of Pakham District, Buriram Province


  • Tossaphon Senamontri
  • Grichawat Lowatcharin


drug abuse prevention; governance; network


The current study aimed to explore the situation of and problems in network governance of the Narcotics Prevention and Suppression Center of Pakham District in Buriram Province, and to propose guidelines for improvement.  A holistic single case study design with semi-structured interviews of 21 key informants.

            Findings reveal that although members of the center executive committee come from diverse organizations and background, they share a common goal of drug abuse prevention, which is imposed by the government.  They are required to collaborate, exchange ideas, and meet on a regular basis.  However, the center lacks network governance because the committee members possess different knowledge, skills, and experiences related to drug abuse prevention and suppression that lead to different expectation and managerial approaches.  In addition, the center is confronted with other problems: lack of support personnel; occasional job rotation that causes interruption in the managerial and operational processes; lack of financial and material support; and strict and inconducive regulations on public procurement.  For better governance, there should be enhancement of effective team-working skills, more support personnel, modern equipment with utilization guidelines, and area-based policy formulation.

Keywords: drug abuse prevention; governance; network


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How to Cite

Senamontri, T., & Lowatcharin, G. (2018). Network Governance of the Narcotics Prevention and Suppression Center of Pakham District, Buriram Province: Network Governance of the Narcotics Prevention and Suppression Center of Pakham District, Buriram Province. Governance Journal, 7(2), 218–244. Retrieved from



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