Administrative Development Conditions and Problems of Indigo Products Implementation in Sakonnakhon Province

Administrative Development Conditions and Problems of Indigo Products Implementation in Sakonnakhon Province


  • Nuntakan Kirdmalai
  • Chanin Vaseenonta
  • Lamai Romye
  • Chardchai Udomkijmongkol


Administrative Development Conditions; Problems of Indigo Products Implementation


The research on conditions and problems of indigo products implementation in Sakon Nakhon Province. The objectives of this study were 1) to study the state of management development, 2) to study the problem of the product business in Sakon Nakhon. was the mixed research study of both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Questionnaires were used for quantitative study while in-depth interviews and observations were used in qualitative study. The target group was the indigo product entrepreneurs at 2016 Moonmung festival at Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University. Data was analyzed to obtain percentage, mean, standard deviation and by content analysis.

The results of the study were as follows: The conditions of indigo productimplementation in Sakon Nakhon Province stated that most the indigo product entrepreneurs from Argadamnuay district. Most used the names of the groups as the brands of the products. Most of the types were also community entrepreneurs. The main products were scarfs, shawls, fabric cloths and sarongs. Most products were sent to the customers by post and by car transportation. The average cost of 25,000 baht per month for raw materials, cotton, indigo, dye, cotton woven and transportation while they earned their average income of 45,000 baht per month. The domestic market was the main market of the entrepreneurs and they also purchased overseas such as in Japan, United States of America, Laos, France and India. Most of the customers were at the working ages, most bought for their own consumption and souvenirs. Some bought for sales and changed their brands but some still used the brands of the producers. The most problem of the indigo implementation was more competition. In Sakon Nakhon Province, there was a campaign of using indigo cotton on Tuesdays and Fridays. This urged more purchasing within the province. This affected the groups of indigo product business. The next problem was the goods distribution because the consumers searched the information and decided to buy from social media and this caused the problem of expanding the purchasing various channels to meet the customers. They also faced the foreign languages problem to deal with the foreign customers. Also, the innovative problem stated the technological investment for increasing continuous competitive potentials. The new products became the problem of the old entrepreneurs that they still improved the value added for their own products. This made the customers compare the styles, quality and price with the new entrepreneurs. Therefore, the indigo cloth business should be aware of the needs of the target customers and study their needs for developing the products to meet their real needs for being different from their competitors’. Also, they should create the identity of the products to meet the real satisfaction of the customers.  

Keywords : Administrative Development Conditions; Problems of Indigo Products Implementation.


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How to Cite

Kirdmalai, N., Vaseenonta, C., Romye, L., & Udomkijmongkol, C. (2018). Administrative Development Conditions and Problems of Indigo Products Implementation in Sakonnakhon Province: Administrative Development Conditions and Problems of Indigo Products Implementation in Sakonnakhon Province. Governance Journal, 7(2), 291–313. Retrieved from



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