The Causes of Corruption in Subdistrict Administrative Organization: The Opinions of The Village Headman in Lampang Province

The Causes of Corruption in Subdistrict Administrative Organization: The Opinions of The Village Headman in Lampang Province


  • Nathdanai Pratuangboriboon


Causes of Corruption; Corruption; Subdistrict Administrative                 Organization Lampang province


The purposes of this research were to 1) study the important level of corruption causes in subdistrict administrative organization in Lampang province 2) study factors affecting corruption causes in subdistrict administrative organization in Lampang province and 3) study the solution guidelines of corruption in subdistrict administrative organization in Lampang province with quantitative method by distributing 400 questionnaires to the village headmen who lived in the area of subdistrict administrative organization in Lampang province. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics with multiple regression analysis. The research found that all mechanisms monitoring, patronage system, and values ​​have a positive effect on fraud and corruption in subdistrict administration organization in Lampang province. It shows that the mechanism monitoring is not fully able to deter fraud and corruption as well as the patronage system and the values ​​that have been passed down leading to a willingness to act corruptly. Therefore, solutions to these problems should be investigated intensively by adding agencies or personnel to monitor in the subdistrict level, the district level, and the provincial level to investigate the truth in time to commit fraud instead of the existing units that are not enough for the workload. Moreover, the sanctions are more severe for example, the termination of duty before the detection of corruption. When there is a strong monitoring system it can reduce the fraud actions of corruption concretely.


Keywords: Causes of Corruption; Corruption; Subdistrict Administrative
                Organization Lampang province


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How to Cite

Pratuangboriboon, N. (2018). The Causes of Corruption in Subdistrict Administrative Organization: The Opinions of The Village Headman in Lampang Province: The Causes of Corruption in Subdistrict Administrative Organization: The Opinions of The Village Headman in Lampang Province. Governance Journal, 7(2), 542–567. Retrieved from



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