Factors for the Achievement of the Geriatric’s Management System and Geriatric’s Life Quality Promotion in Nakhon Ratchasima


  • Deacho Saenpukdee Faculty of Social Science & Humanities, Khon Kaen University
  • Viyouth Chamruspanth Faculty of Social Science & Humanities, Khon Kaen University


Monitoring System Management, Elderly Life Quality, Nakhon Ratchasima



This qualitative research was conducted in order to obtain information via an in-depth interview with 26 informants who were representatives responsible for the care of the elderly taking from both the private and public sectors. The informants were selected based on a specific random method. The qualitative data analysis was based on a mind-mapping system in order to see the connectivity of the data set based on the holistic and sub-sequencing categories. The conclusion relating to the factors for the successful care of the elderly was based on the implication technique before the conclusion drawn was discussed in a two-round meeting to obtain suggestions on concrete measures concerning geriatric care which would be applicable in the Nakhonratchasima context. It was observed that the factors for successful geriatric care management systems in Nakhonratchasima were based on: leadership, conformity of elderly working systems, motivation, teamwork, organization management, network planning, and network empowerment.


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How to Cite

Saenpukdee, D., & Chamruspanth, V. (2019). Factors for the Achievement of the Geriatric’s Management System and Geriatric’s Life Quality Promotion in Nakhon Ratchasima. Governance Journal, 8(1), 40–61. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/gjournal-ksu/article/view/199286



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