The Factors Influencing the Environmental Management Achievements in Lao People's Democratic Republic


  • Lomyen Sisouvong Faculty of Management Science, Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University
  • Jitti Kittilertpaisal Faculty of Management Science, Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University
  • Chardchai Udomkijmongkol Faculty of Management Science, Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University
  • Watcharapong Intrawong Kasetsart University Chalermphrakiat Sakonnakhon Province Campus


Factors Achievement, Environmental Management, Lao People's Democratic Republic



This study aimed 1) to investigate factors influencing the environmental management achievements in Lao PDR, 2) to explore the achievements of the environmental management, 3) to create and develop a causal model influencing the environmental management achievements, and 4) to apply the casual model on the environmental management achievements. The interview of 10 persons and 720 samples. Purposing random sampling technique. Instruments used in collecting data were structured interviews and a rating scale questionnaire. Statistics employed and content analysis as well. The findings were as follows: 1. The factors influencing the environmental management achievements in Lao PDR revealed that the application on policy to practice in the environmental agencies, in general. And the participation was at the moderate level was in the moderate level as a whole 2. The achievements in the environmental management in Lao PRD indicated that all were at the moderate level as a whole. 3. The casual model influencing the environmental management achievements found that policy implementation, awareness of environmental conservation and community participation. 4. The casual recommendations policy on the development of the environmental management achievements such as 1) The budget allocation for continuous, 2) leadership in solving the problem. In the case of the awareness on the environmental conservation.


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How to Cite

Sisouvong, L., Kittilertpaisal, J., Udomkijmongkol, C., & Intrawong, W. (2019). The Factors Influencing the Environmental Management Achievements in Lao People’s Democratic Republic. Governance Journal, 8(1), 80–96. Retrieved from



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