Revenue Self-Reliant of Local Administrative Organizations in Mid North-Eastern Provincial Cluster


  • Arthit Phadungdech Faculty of Social Science & Humanities, Khon Kaen University
  • Weerakul Chaiphar Faculty of Social Science & Humanities, Khon Kaen University


Revenue Self-Reliant, Local Administrative Organizations, Mid North-Eastern Provincial Cluster



This study purposes to consider revenue self-reliant of local administrative organizations in Mid North-Eastern Provincial Cluster during 2012-2016. This study uses self-reliant index as indicator. The result shows that in the case of Subdistrict Administration Organization, the overall self-reliance was about 2.5%.The Subdistrict Municipality is approximately 5.6%. The Town Municipality is approximately 10 percent. The City Municipality approximately 10.7%. It can be concluded that local administrative organizations have relatively low revenue self-reliant, especially the Subdistrict Administration Organization. The tendency in the overall of the self-reliance of local administrative organizations will continue to increase in 2012-2015 and decline in 2016. There are local administrative organizations in each category and each province that have prominent revenue self-reliant. These will be useful for studying the difference capability and the way to develop revenue self-reliant of the local government in the same category and the different types.


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How to Cite

Phadungdech, A., & Chaiphar, W. (2019). Revenue Self-Reliant of Local Administrative Organizations in Mid North-Eastern Provincial Cluster. Governance Journal, 8(1), 180–202. Retrieved from



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