Performance Monitoring of Volunteers in Care Home for the Elderly by Sub-District Administrative Organizations in Khon Kaen Province


  • Athipong Poomeesaeng Program of Public Administration, Faculty of Humanities & Social Science , Khon Kaen University
  • Rungarun Boonsayun Program of Public Administration, Faculty of Humanities & Social Science , Khon Kaen University


Volunteers, Elderly People, Performance Monitoring


The purposes of this research were to 1) study the overall status of monitoring operations of the elderly care volunteers at home managed by the subdistrict administrative organizations in Khon Kaen province, 2) to identify the essential conditions related to the monitoring operations of the elderly care volunteers at home, and 3) to find guidelines for developing the monitoring operations of the elderly care volunteers at home. This research was quantitative research with the 140 chief administrators of the subdistrict administrative organizations in the province. The developed questionnaires and additional open-ended questions were employed as research tools in order to collect data. The data was then statically analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The results of this study were as follows: first, the overall status of monitoring operations of the elderly care volunteers at home managed by the 40 subdistrict administrative organizations in the province was low in all aspects – planning for the monitoring operations of the elderly care volunteers at home, collecting and analyzing data of the monitoring operations, and reporting the performance of the monitoring operations. Second, the essential conditions related to the monitoring operations of the elderly care volunteers at home consisted of two conditions including internal conditions (including leadership, budgets, personnel, skills and roles) and external conditions (including cooperation, rules, knowledge and skills as well as facilities). Last, there were three guidelines for developing the monitoring operations of the elderly care volunteers at home including i) self-executable ways such as planning and public relations, ii) the ways that must collaborate with other agencies such as public relations, planning, and creating cooperation, and iii) the ways that must be implemented by the central government such as legislations and budgets.


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How to Cite

Poomeesaeng, A., & Boonsayun, R. (2020). Performance Monitoring of Volunteers in Care Home for the Elderly by Sub-District Administrative Organizations in Khon Kaen Province. Governance Journal, 9(1), 194–215. Retrieved from



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