The Coordination of Water Resource Management in the Crisis Times of Ubolratana in Khon Kaen Province


  • Chawalit Prakting College of Local Administration, Khon Kaen University
  • Prachasan Saenpakdee College of Local Administration, Khon Kaen University


Coordination, Water Management, Crisis Management


The purposes of this study were to study the methods of coordination in water resource management in a crisis condition  between the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand and the KhonKaen Water Management Committee, to study the relationship between the coordination of water water resource management management in thecrisiscondition of both organizations with flooding problems occurring in the UbolRatana Dam area, and to study guidelines to improve the coordination of water resource management in a crisiscondition of both organizations. The study results found that there were 2 methods of coordination of water resource management inthe crisis condition of the UbolRatana Dam, including water resource management methods in general crisis conditions,and water resource management method in the most crisis condition. The methods of coordination of water resource management in the crisiscondtion of both organizations were related in terms of the condition which was a catalyst for flooding in the UbolRatana Dam area. The guidelines for improving the coordination methods consistsof 4 guidelines : 1) Establish a central committee to coordinate the water resource management of the UbolRatana Dam in a particularly crisis condition, 2) Adjust the water resource management methods in the UbolRatana Dam, 3) Solve other problems that was occurring in the north,and bottom area of theUbolRatana Dam to be concrete, 4) Provide the people in the areato participate in the water resource management process.


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How to Cite

Prakting, C., & Saenpakdee, P. (2020). The Coordination of Water Resource Management in the Crisis Times of Ubolratana in Khon Kaen Province. Governance Journal, 9(1), 344–364. Retrieved from



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