An Administrative Model and Factors Affecting Organization Change in the 21st Century of Local Administrative Organization in Uthaithani Province From the View of Administrator, Civil Servant and Public Officer


  • Chaowarit Jongkatkorn Faculty of Public Administration, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Uthaithani regional campus


Administrative Model, Factors Affecting Administration, Organizational Change in the 21st Century


This research aimed to study an administrative model and factors affecting organizational change in the 21st century of local administrative organizations in Uthaithani province from the view of administrator, civil servant and public officer. The research was a mixed research methodology by using a questionnaire with 400 samples, collected from administrator, civil servant, public officers in local administrative organizations in Uthaithani province. Starting with the synthesis of documents. Then questioned the opinions on the elements, administrative model and factors affecting factors of organizational change in the 21st century from the administrators, civil servant, public officer in Uthaithani Province. And qualified seminars (Connoisseurship). The research found that; elements of the 21st century organizational change management model of local administrative organizations had 4 main components: creating awareness of the importance of change The vision The creation of participation and the organization of change. And the factors influencing organizational change management in the 21st century. There are 3 main components: leadership communication and corporate culture, all factors had positive relationships with statistically significance difference at .05


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How to Cite

Jongkatkorn, C. (2020). An Administrative Model and Factors Affecting Organization Change in the 21st Century of Local Administrative Organization in Uthaithani Province From the View of Administrator, Civil Servant and Public Officer. Governance Journal, 9(1), 388–402. Retrieved from



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