Participation Factors Affecting Enhancement of Community Planning: A Case Study of Cultural Tourism Group in Kudwa sub-district, Kuchinarai district, Kalasin Province


  • Ariya Pongsiri Faculty of Liberal Arts, Kalasin University


Community Plan, Participation, Cultural Tourism


This study focuses on the study of the participation factors of various indicators. To empower the community plan. Case Study of Cultural Tourism Group, Kut Wa Sub-district, Kuchinarai District, Kalasin Province Use qualitative research in conjunction with participatory research with individual interviews to find specific issues, together with group discussions, to confirm the findings using a semi-structured interview. The results showed that the factors involved in empowering the community development plan of cultural tourism groups can be classified into two main factors: personal factors, which are different factors, but the two of them are the same: leaders, because of the importance of the tai culture, respect and obedience to the community leaders. The tour is characterized by a homestay-style cultural tour. It takes a lot of people, but because  Khok Khong sub-district has a limited number of people. Therefore, an existing leader's network must be used to minimize potential problems. Kut Wa sub-district will find that the majority of people who operate in tourism are working-class people and the elderly are not very old, which will be a major potential to drive tourism. This group wants the relevant sectors to listen to their opinions and find the right solution in tourism. Another factor is the organizational factors in which the organization to participate must be familiar to the villagers in order to reduce the problem of opposition, and the activity model must be appropriate in the context of the community, and the relevant organizational units must have consistent continuity and a real intention to truly develop the tourism community.


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How to Cite

Pongsiri, A. . (2020). Participation Factors Affecting Enhancement of Community Planning: A Case Study of Cultural Tourism Group in Kudwa sub-district, Kuchinarai district, Kalasin Province. Governance Journal, 9(2), 302–324. Retrieved from



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