The The relations between state and local government as well as decentralization during The National Council for Peace and Order (2014-2019)


  • patawee chotanan Faculty of Political Science, Ubonratchatani University


State, Local Government, Decentralization, National Council for Peace and Order


The objectives of this research are to analyze how, in the context of decentralization, the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) increasingly tried to control, intervene, and expand its power to local government and to study the relationship between state and local government as well as decentralization under the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) from 2014 to 2019

The research reveals that after the 2014 Thai coup, the NCPO increasingly  bureaucratized, intervened and controlled  local governments by implementing new management systems and policies to control local executives and constituents and through the so called Pracharat Policy and regional administration

The NCPO centralized power and controlled over local governments by using welfare policies such as the Pracharat Policy on a Pracharak Samaki Projects and the project on village development to help drive local economies. The paper finds that the government used these policies to bypass local governments and to make local people more dependent on the NCPO’s power and resources. 


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How to Cite

Chotanan, P. (2021). The The relations between state and local government as well as decentralization during The National Council for Peace and Order (2014-2019). Governance Journal, 10(1), 41–76. Retrieved from



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