Guidelines for Network Management of Irrigation User Groups to Increase the Efficiency of Water Resource Management for the Public Sector: A Case of Lam Takhong Basin.


  • Varatchaya Chueachanthuek Faculty of Homanities and Social Science Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University
  • Kraisak Rakpinit Faculty of Homanities and Social Science Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University
  • Kanchana Khampha Faculty of Homanities and Social Science Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University


Network management, Irrigation water users, Public administration, Water resource management, Lam Takhong Basin


This research aimed to 1) investigate the management of irrigation users’ networks, and 2) propose guidelines for the network management of irrigation users. Qualitative research methodology was implemented in this research. Group interviews and in-depth interviews with semi-structured interview guidelines were used to collect data from 30 leaders of irrigation water user groups, together with participatory observation and non-participatory observation between March 2018 and July 2019, and content analysis methods were implemented in qualitative data analysis. Research results found that 1) The management of the irrigation users network consisted of access to resources, risk sharing, efficiency, ongoing coordination, learning, and ethics. 2) Guidelines for the network management of irrigation users consisted of regulations, collaboration, teamwork, leadership, and negotiation.


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How to Cite

Chueachanthuek, V., Rakpinit, K. ., & Khampha, K. . (2021). Guidelines for Network Management of Irrigation User Groups to Increase the Efficiency of Water Resource Management for the Public Sector: A Case of Lam Takhong Basin. Governance Journal, 10(2), 211–232. Retrieved from



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