The Collaboration of the District Disease Control Operation Center and the Provincial and Local Government Agencies in Khong Chai District, Kalasin Province


  • Thunyathorn Donputcha Master of Student of Public Administration Program, College of Local Administration, Khon Kaen University
  • Grichawat Lowatcharin Assistant Professor, College of Local Administration, Khon Kaen University


COVID-19; integration; Disease Control Operation Center


Effective prevention and control of COVID-19 require cross-sector collaboration. This research aimed to answer the questions: How does the District Disease Control Operation Center (DDCOC) cooperate with provincial government agencies and local administrative organizations (LAOs) in Khong Chai District, Kalasin Province. The researchers employed a case study qualitative research methodology and collected data vua in-depth interviews of 26 key informants from four groups: 1) heads of district-level government agencies; 2) LAO officials; directors of Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospitals; and 4) subdistrict heads in Khong Chai District, Kalasin Province. The results show that the operation of the DDCOC in collaboration with provincial government agencies and LAOs is under a hierarchical, top-down structure, from the national to the provincial, district, and subdistrict levels. At the district level, the operation lacks concrete and continuous driving mechanisms. The operation is therefore inefficient and inopportune. The top-down structure has posted as the major obstacle to effective operation because the decision-making power has been concentrated in the center. For instance, the management of resources, especially vaccines, requires centralized approvals whereas the prevention and control must be carried out quickly and timely during the epidemic situation. Therefore, an intense and continuous integration of government agencies should be promoted to achieve effective disease prevention and control at the district level. In addition, giving provincial government agencies and LAOs decision-making authority would allow for more efficient and sustainable epidemic management


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How to Cite

Donputcha, T. ., & Lowatcharin, G. . (2023). The Collaboration of the District Disease Control Operation Center and the Provincial and Local Government Agencies in Khong Chai District, Kalasin Province. Governance Journal, 12(1), 132–145. Retrieved from



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