The Evolution of Cultural Landscape and Built Environment Through Thai Food and Way of Living: The Case Study of Central Region of Thailand

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พลอยจรัส ประกัตฐโกมล Ploycharas Pragattakomol
เคน เทย์เลอร์ Ken Taylor


The purposes of this research were 1) to draw conclusions from characteristics and structures of Thai houses more focus in kitchens from traditional to modern styles, including equipment in the kitchen 2) identify different types of Thai food, the origin of Thai food, the structure of Thai food, eating culture and other aspects of the topic 3) to sequence the evolution of Thai food and study the influences of factors, and 4) to find suitable strategies and policies to create a Thai food conservation context. The study may be relevant to conservation strategies and plans that already exist. This research needs to summarize how environmental become the main factor to characters of Thai house, kitchen and food in the Central Region of Thailand.

The research instrument were divided into 2 parts. First, it focused in collecting detail of Thai built environment such as Thai house, Thai kitchen, Thai cooking equipment and Thai food from many academic papers, historical documents and Thai culinary books in both Thai and English while in-depth interview with Thai cuisine experts such as Thai culinary instructors in universities and colleges and Thai chef in hotels helps to understand the detail. Second is field trips to many Central province of Thailand such as Bangkok, Samut Sakorn, Ayutthaya, Uthai Thani, Suphanburi and other that need to see and take pictures of Thai house and kitchen.

The results of this research are: 1) Environment becomes an important key to influence fabric of Thai house and Thai kitchen while design and layout of kitchen both have similar affect to characters of Thai food. 2) Changing the location of house from near river to road is the beginning of evolution process as well as agricultural society migrated to urban society. 3) Reducing size of house affects Thai people’s living pattern specifically the reduction of the size kitchen or cooking area. 4) Conserving original Thai way of life, built environment and food by using the concept of Slow Food Movement is a suggestion strategy because this concept focuses on going back to our origins and ensuring environmental sustainability.

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How to Cite
Ploycharas Pragattakomol พ. ป., & Ken Taylor เ. เ. (2018). The Evolution of Cultural Landscape and Built Environment Through Thai Food and Way of Living: The Case Study of Central Region of Thailand. Dusit Thani College Journal, 12(1), 124–149. retrieved from
Academic Article


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