The Effect of Marketing Mix and Situational Factors on Purchasing Behaviors of Fresh Coffee in Bangkok Metropolis

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วาทิต อินทุลักษณ์ Watit Intuluck


This paper studied the structural equation model of marketing mix and situational factors effecting on Purchasing Behaviors of Fresh Coffee in Bangkok Metropolis. By the use of structural equation modeling technique, the study intended to predict purchasing behavior of fresh coffee in Bangkok Metropolis from the selected independent variables. This samples were 420 people who were repeated customers of Fresh Coffee in Bangkok Metropolis. As a Survey Research, the data was collected by a questionnaire and analyzed by SPSS (22.0) and AMOS (20.0) computer applications.

The findings revealed that purchasing behavior factors received the positive total effect from the marketing mix variables with a highly statistical significance (β=.757; p<.01) and received the positive direct and indirect effects with a highly statistical significance (β=.255, .502; p<.01) respectively. Furthermore, the study developed the structural model of purchasing behaviors of Fresh Coffee in Bangkok Metropolis with the acceptable fit scores from several model fit indices ( 2 /df = 1.911, p>.001, GFI=.974, RMSEA=.048, CFI.986, SRMR=.034). Marketers should be considered the situational factors particularly in the fresh coffee business, because this determinants related towards purchasing behavior among the consumers. Furthermore, consideration the service quality should be included to study in this phenomenon and different context in the future.

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How to Cite
Watit Intuluck ว. อ. (2018). The Effect of Marketing Mix and Situational Factors on Purchasing Behaviors of Fresh Coffee in Bangkok Metropolis. Dusit Thani College Journal, 12(1), 279–295. retrieved from
Academic Article


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