A Synthesis of Independent Studies in Educational Psychology and Guidance Program Kasetsart University, During Years 2011 - 2015

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ฐิติภรณ์ เกษศิริ Thitiporn Ketsiri
มนัสนันท์ หัตถศักดิ์ Manasanan Hatthasak


The purpose of this research was to synthesis of independent studies in educational psychology and guidance program, Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University, during years 2011 -2015. The population was selected from 61 independent studies of master's degree. The research tool was consisted of synthesis research form. Data for this research consisted of research characteristics. The data were analyzed through frequency and percentage.  The results were indicated as follows: 1) the data base on research, The researches were classified by the year of publication. The most researches published in 2011 (31.15%)  2) The content of research, the purposes of research were mostly created in order to study research results of the activities/programs (83.61%). The scopes of research, educational psychology were mostly studied (62.30%). The second was guidance psychology (31.15%). Counseling psychology was the least number (6.56%). 3) The research methodology: the types of research, all research is quasi experimental research (100%). It was found out that students from schools were the main population and sample for the research (78.69%) while students from universities were second (21.31%). The research tool consisted of 2 tools; namely: experimental tools and collected tools. Experimental tools are activities/programs (100%). Most of collected tools were questionnaire (95.08%). The data were mostly analyzed by mean (100%), followed by standard deviation (98.36%), and t - test (50.82%) respectively. 4) The result of research: most of the expected sample of research was the group of students (98.36%).

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How to Cite
Thitiporn Ketsiri ฐ. เ., & Manasanan Hatthasak ม. ห. (2018). A Synthesis of Independent Studies in Educational Psychology and Guidance Program Kasetsart University, During Years 2011 - 2015. Dusit Thani College Journal, 11(3), 202–220. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journaldtc/article/view/118632
Academic Article


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