Potential of Tourism Resources in Udon Thani Province

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ผกามาศ ชัยรัตน์ Pakamas Chairatana
ชวลีย์ ณ ถลาง Chawalee Na Thalang


The objectives of this research were 1) To study the strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats of the environment integrated sustainable Udon Thani province. 2) to study circumstances and Improve of integrated tourism development for sustainable in Udon Thani Province; and 3) to evaluate the potential of tourism resources in Udon Thani Province. It’s mixed with a qualitative research and a quantitative research. The qualitative method was conducted by studying documents and intensive interview relating people in 10 important tourist attractions. These 3 groups of interviewee were 1) government officials 2) private sectors and 3) the locals in the tourist attractions. The quantitative method was conducted by studying satisfaction of foreign and domestic tourists visiting Udon Thani Province to study Potential tourism development in Udon Thani Province. 

The analysis of the survey data identifies that for the background of tourists, a large proportion of them are women, aged 20-29, single, got Bachelor Degree, own private business, earn 20,000–29,999 baht per month. For the behavior, a large proportion of tourists traveled with their friends, has been to Udon Thani Province, traveled by car, at the weekend, one day trip, traveled for recreation, searched the travel information on the internet, and spent 1,000-3,000 baht. Over half said they were going to visit Udon Thani Province again. For the potential of tourism resources evaluation, it is evident that satisfaction is the highest mean score of 4.11. When considering score of each aspect, it found that all of them are high; activity, culture and history, nature, exhibition and festival, and service from highest to lowest, respectively. For the factors of tourism marketing, it is evident that satisfaction is the highest mean score of 4.39. When considering score of each aspect, it found that all of them are high; physical appearance, distribution, personnel, process, promotion, and product from highest to lowest, respectively. Co-operation of all relating sectors to develop the potential of tourism resources for sustainable in Udon Thani Province was also emphasized to plan developing the potential of tourism resources such as activity, culture and history, nature, exhibition and festival, and service to lead to sustainable tourism development.

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How to Cite
Pakamas Chairatana ผ. ช., & Chawalee Na Thalang ช. ณ. ถ. (2018). Potential of Tourism Resources in Udon Thani Province. Dusit Thani College Journal, 11(2), 124–142. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journaldtc/article/view/119957
Academic Article


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