Guidelines of Front Office Staff Selection: A Case Study of 3-Star Hotels in Bangkok

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วิรตี สุขสำราญ Wiratee Suksamran
สุวารี นามวงค์ Suwaree Namwong


The goal of this research was to study the guidelines for selection of front office staff in hotel industry by using competency. To achieve that goal, the objectives of this research were to study the core competency and functional competency of front office staff and then propose competency guidelines for selection of front office staff in hotels. This research methodology was qualitative research and used in-depth interview to be tool in data collecting. The samples of this research were front office managers, human resources officers, and hotel managers amount 15 peoples from 3-star hotels, and then, qualitative data analyzed with content analysis.

     Findings from the research suggested that core competency for selection of front office staff has 4 competencies including Employee Relations Competency, Professionalism Competency, Self–Management Competency, and Legal Knowledge Competency. Functional competency also has 4 competencies including Communication Competency, Customer Relations Competency, Technical and Operational Knowledge Competency, and Leadership Competency.

     From the above findings, the author had proposed competency guidelines for selection of front office staff in hotels including the model of job interview form based on core competency and functional competency of front office staff. Moreover, it can be guidelines for hotel’s HR Department to use in their job interview for selecting new front office staff. In addition, the outcomes of the study are able to use as guidelines for academic institution to improve teaching and training courses regarding hospitality program and it can be guidelines for others to investigate the issues relating to the selection of front office staff in the future.

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How to Cite
Wiratee Suksamran ว. ส., & Suwaree Namwong ส. น. (2018). Guidelines of Front Office Staff Selection: A Case Study of 3-Star Hotels in Bangkok. Dusit Thani College Journal, 12(Special), 36–56. retrieved from
Academic Article


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