The Development of Thai Food Recipes in Accordance with Dusit Thani College Standard: Maindishes

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ศิริพงศ์ รักใหม่ Siripong Rugmai
พชร พิริยาพร Pachara Piriyaporn
ฌานิกา ศรีวรรณวิทย์
ฉวีวรรณ สุขศรี
อรรถสิทธิ์ โอพั่ง


This article is a part of the study entitled “The Development of Thai Food Recipes in Accordance with Dusit Thani College Standard Phase 2” aimed to develop standard recipes of Thai food main dishes. The research was carried out by the team of researchers from Dusit Thani College who were knowledgeable and experienced in teaching and cooking Thai cuisine. Thus, the study aimed to develop Thai food recipes based on the specific criterias. The dishes must be traditionally Thai, renowned locally and internationally, healthy and could be cooked with main ingredients which were easily found.  The research methods applied were first to study related documents about Thai cuisine and then brainstorm among the team of researchers.  This was to select list of Thai food recipes for cooking trial in order to obtain recipes of Thai food based on Dusit Thani College standard.  In addition, Thai food recipes were focused on main dished.  The reflection was drawn from 30 selected subjects from Dusit Thani College students, instructors and staff who tasted the food, evaluated and made suggestions according to the evaluation form distributed earlier. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. The findings revealed that there were 9 main dishes of Thai food recipes.  

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How to Cite
Siripong Rugmai ศ. ร., Pachara Piriyaporn พ. พ., ศรีวรรณวิทย์ ฌ., สุขศรี ฉ., & โอพั่ง อ. (2018). The Development of Thai Food Recipes in Accordance with Dusit Thani College Standard: Maindishes. Dusit Thani College Journal, 12(Special), 296–308. retrieved from
Academic Article


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