Production and Development Staff Model for Thai Spa Business 4.0

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จุฑารัตน์ พิริยะเบญจวัฒน์ Jutarat Piriyabenjawat


Spa business is the industry that makes the growth rate income in Thailand continuously. According to Thai spa association data collection found that it had spa business market value 29,000 million baht in B.E. 2557 and 31,000 million baht in B.E. 2558. There were 1,600 spa business entrepreneurs who had certificate from ministry of public health. The study of university of the Thai Chamber of Commerce during B.E. 2557 - 2560 found that spa business had the rising star business rated 1 out of 5 continuously. The supporting factors for the growth of spa business are total number of tourists, human stress and aged society. The spa business can be divided into 3 main types that are health spa, health massage and  spa treatments. In the economic recession time, people are stressful and unhappy because they had to reduce expenses and the extravagant things. The spa business might be extravagant because people can live without massage and spa. In contrast, the spa business grows up continuously even the economic recession because spa industry is the business that related to health care and beauty business. As a result, it makes the growth of market value continuously to have good health, healthy in body, emotion, society, mind and spirit.

    The spa industry is a service business. It is necessary to have specialist staff who has specific properties as indicated in Health Establishments Act B.E. 2559. For example, spa staff or spa therapist must pass training course approved by Ministry of Public Health also training institute must be approved by the ministry. Furthermore, the spa therapist must register at Department of Health Service Support, Ministry of Public Health to get license as legally spa therapist. Spa manager must graduate in Bachelor of Health Science or if the managers do not graduate in Bachelor of Health Science, they must pass spa manager for health training course 100 hours curriculum approved by Ministry of Public Health and the training institute must be approved by the ministry as well so they can have the right to take the test to register as the legally spa manager.

This article has an its objective to propose spa human resource development to serve Thailand 4.0 by presenting through two aspects of keeping human resource development standard and  leading knowledge of herbal in value added creation for spa industrial product

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How to Cite
Jutarat Piriyabenjawat จ. พ. (2018). Production and Development Staff Model for Thai Spa Business 4.0. Dusit Thani College Journal, 12(Special), 381–392. retrieved from
Academic Article


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