Integrating of Menu Engineering and Electronic Word of Mouth Towards Restaurant Business

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โกสินทร์ ปานแย้ม Kosin Panyaem
ศรัญญา เนียมฉาย Saranyaa Niemchai
ทวีเดช ธวัฒนกุล


This article presents a change in consumer behaviors when social media has an impact in decision making. For this reason, restaurants have been affected in many different perspectives especially in term of Menu Engineering.

From the past, Menu engineering can be a useful tool as its provide strategies and tactics to increases in the profitability of restaurant menu. Restaurant industry has used menu engineering to analyse which dishes perform well, and to promote them. At the same time, they also use menu engineering to reduce food cost or remove dishes, which are not selling well or give low profit performance. Large food service operations such as hotels, use computer programmes to help analyse and establish menu prices.

Although this may be true that Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) has become one of the considerable factors in consumer behaviors change on these days. As a matter of fact, if restaurant could potentially combine the Menu Engineering concept along together with Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM). This could present a more window of opportunity for businesses and understand in online consumer behavior change which can reach a multitude of customer at the same time.

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How to Cite
Kosin Panyaem โ. ป., Saranyaa Niemchai ศ. เ., & ธวัฒนกุล ท. (2018). Integrating of Menu Engineering and Electronic Word of Mouth Towards Restaurant Business. Dusit Thani College Journal, 12(Special), 405–418. retrieved from
Academic Article


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