Tea Seed Oil: The Oriental Olive Oil

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สายน้ำ ดิษฐนารี Sainam Distnaree


Tea drinks were brewed from the tea leaves of the genus Camellia sinensis, in the family Theaceae. But for the tea seed oil (TSO), it was from the seeds of Camellia oleifera. the native oil tree in the southern China. Ancient Chinese people had extensively used the TSO for cooking, traditional medicines and cosmetics for over a thousand years. Until now, TSO, for Thai people, had not been widely used. On the other hand, most Thai farmers had commonly used a lot of tea seed meal, known as tea seed cake, imported from China, as the pesticide. Tea seed cake was a by-product from TSO  production. The purpose of this article was to present the oil extraction using cold  pressing, the essential components of the fatty acids and  other health benefits of TSO,  and comparison of the smoking point of TSO  to other vegetable oils for best selection of the proper vegetable oils with appropriate heat level when cooking, especially frying. The results were compared to extra virgin olive oil values. The studies confirmed that the TSO was composed of the essential unsaturated fatty acids. It contained both  polyunsaturated fatty acids, 13-28% of Linoleic fatty acid (ω -6), 1-3% of Linolenic fatty acid (ω -3) and 88% of monounsaturated fatty acid Oleic fatty acid (ω-9). Moreover, the  optimum physical characteristics including colorless and light smell and high smoking  point at 252OC with non-trans fat were reasonable selection for healthy cooking. It also  consisted of the antioxidants such as Catechin and Vitamin E. The result of TSO studies  confirmed that TSO contained some functional properties as anti-lipidperoxidation, obesity prevention, lower blood glucose level and immunological regulation. The TSO  consumption of Thais with Hyperlipidemia had resulted in the positive medical treatment. In conclusion, TSO was considered as highly valuable for health as the extra virgin olive  oil. For this reason, TSO had been accepted as Oriental Olive Oil or t Olive Oil of Asia.

With the benefits of TSO, Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn had The Royal Initiatives for Chaipattana Foundation to find the variety of this plant, research and develop it to produce the local TSO production completely. For Thai people, TSO was not only Oriental Olive Oil, but also the oil from the grace of the Royal Highness Princess as well.

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How to Cite
Sainam Distnaree ส. ด. (2018). Tea Seed Oil: The Oriental Olive Oil. Dusit Thani College Journal, 12(Special), 419–432. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journaldtc/article/view/130369
Academic Article


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