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พูนเพิ่ม เสรีวิชยสวัสดิ์ Poonperm Serivichayaswadi
พิทักษ์ ศิริวงศ์ Phitak Siriwong


Identities of education is reflected in the quality of graduates. Education must give priority to exist their identity as determined by education. Dusit Thani College determined DUSIT Characters was the identity of institution. This research aims to study the creation of discourse in the identity of Dusit Thani College; The reproduction of social practices in the discourse; and social practices of discourse in the identity of Dusit Thani College. The key informants consisted of administrators, instructors, students of Dusit Thani College and executive of enterprises that student internship of 58 people and used qualitative approach to conducted in-depth and group interview. The results showed that DUSIT Characters included 1) D: Discipline 2) U: Understanding 3) S: Socialize 4) I: Intellectual and 5) T: Tolerance. Identity of Dusit Thani College is caused by smart, great and happy. Administrators and instructors are focus on creating a discourse on the identity of Dusit Thani College has continued. They promoted through documents, media, activities in college and activities in the subjects. Identity of Dusit Thani College are the core that matches the quality of graduates to meet the needs of enterprises in Thailand and ASEAN.

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Poonperm Serivichayaswadi พ. เ., & Phitak Siriwong พ. ศ. (2018). THE EXISTENCE OF IDENTITY OF DUSIT CHARACTERS: DISCOURSE PRACTICE TO SOCIAL REPRODUCTION. Dusit Thani College Journal, 10(2), 133–148. Retrieved from
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