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อนาฐีตา กัปป์ Anateeta Kupp
นงลักษณ์ มโนวลัยเลา Nongluck Manowaluilau


This research aims 1) to study the consumers’ behavior, attitude and decision making in choosing their best desserts, in the area of Bang-kapi District, Bangkok Metropolitan.  2) to develop Thai Desserts Healthy Alternatives for consumers update formulated using extracts of stevia instead of sugar, fat and sodium, which provides low calories consumption. 3) to make the ingredient of Thai Desserts Healthy Alternatives known to the general public and to promote a new way of healthy desserts consuming.

Questionnaire was used to collect data from 90 persons who were daily consumers of Thai desserts in Bang-kapi area. Analyses of the data was performed with statistical software and expressed in percentages, means and standard deviations.

The study showed that the behavior, attitude, and decision making of these consumers are based on the preferable of Thai desserts with herbal ingredients for the reason of their healthy properties. The expression in percentage was at ( = 4.75) As the study results reveal on that high percentage, the design for Thai Desserts Healthy Alternatives is definitely focus on their nutritional value to serve the health conscious consumers. The new ingredients that have been designed are for Somanus Homnil Crispy Grass Jelly and KeeMod The main ingredient for all is the use of the Stevia Extract instead of sugar. Thai herbs as well as cereals are also being used. The 90 persons who were given the questionnaire chose the new ingredients of Thai Desserts Healthy Alternative. The training and the appraisal performance were being given to the public and were attended by many people. The appraisal performance, however, has shown the higher percentage of receiving knowledge and understanding after the training. It was statistically measured at ( = 3.94).

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How to Cite
Anateeta Kupp อ. . ก., & Nongluck Manowaluilau น. ม. (2018). ALTERNATIVE THAI DESSERT BUSINESS FOR HEALTH CONSCIOUS CONSUMERS IN BANGKOK. Dusit Thani College Journal, 10(2), 274–288. Retrieved from
Research Article


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