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สานิตย์ หนูนิล Sanit Noonin
วิโรจน์ เจษฎาลักษณ์ Viroj Jadesadalug
จันทนา แสนสุข


At present, organizations are unable to operate just for financial results, but must also be responsible for various stakeholders. Organizations’ operations impact both directly and indirectly on society and the environment, therefore corporate social responsibility (CSR) is one of the key tools for business management in the present. This article aims to present the idea of the causal factors of CSR including; transformational leadership, marketing orientation and stakeholder engagement, moreover to present the effect of CSR on corporate reputation. This paper studies by reviews literature from various sources such as textbooks, academic papers and research papers, in order to apply this concept in organizations and provide for empirical study in the future.


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How to Cite
Sanit Noonin ส. ห., Viroj Jadesadalug ว. เ., & แสนสุข จ. (2018). CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: CAUSE AND EFFECT. Dusit Thani College Journal, 10(2), 304–321. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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