The Tourism Image Influencing Loyalty of Tourists at Bali Hai, Pattaya Stepping into the Eastern Economic Corridor

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Anurak Tongkaw
Sopicha Thakerngkiat
Pattranit Ngamwongnoi
Poonpong Suksawang


This research aims to study tourism image influencing loyalty of tourists at Bali Hai Pier Pattaya, Chonburi beyond to Eastern Economic Corridor. The conduct of research collected from 380 Thai tourists visiting  Bali Hai Pier, Pattaya by  Multi-stage random sampling method.      The results showed that image of tourism influencing to loyalty of tourists visiting Bali Hai Pier, Pattaya Beyond to Eastern Economic Corridor from Developed models was  consistent with empirical data by Relative Chi-square=1.14, df=35, P-value=.25, GFI=.98, AGFI=.96, CFI=.99, RMR=.041, SRMR=.024, RMSEA=.019 and tourism image of tourism positive influencing to loyalty of tourists at Bali Hai Pier Pattaya by image of tourism could explain the loyalty of tourists for 69 percent.

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How to Cite
Tongkaw, A., Thakerngkiat, S. . ., Ngamwongnoi, P. . ., & Suksawang, P. . . (2020). The Tourism Image Influencing Loyalty of Tourists at Bali Hai, Pattaya Stepping into the Eastern Economic Corridor. Dusit Thani College Journal, 13(2), 67–82. retrieved from
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