Capabilities Development of Creative Tourism in Area of Thai Song Dam Ethnic Group, Khaoyoi District, Phetchaburi Province

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Tananat Chokpreedapanich


The main purposes of this qualitative research aims to : (1) Survey tourism resources in area of Thai Song Dam ethnic group, Khaoyoi district, Phetchaburi province, (2) Assess capabilities of community management for creative tourism in area of Thai Song Dam ethnic group, (3) Propose development capacity guidelines for creative tourism in area of Thai Song Dam ethnic group. The research methods included 1) a group of focus group discussion 2) four groups of small group discussion 3) thirteenth purposively selected people in-depth interview 4) collecting data from documents and 5) an observation. The qualitative data; consisted of secondary information from related articles and researches, and primary data from collecting field data, was verified purposes by using data triangulation technique and content analysis respectively. The main findings of tourism resources in area of Thai Song Dam ethnic group were as follows; tourism destinations and attractions, accommodations, amenities, activities, and accessibility. The readiness of tourism resources and capabilities of management needed to be examined with an agreement. The community should be assisted the participations in any aspect of Tourism knowledge and understanding, and its advantages to encourage creative tourism in area of Thai Song Dam ethnic group. Capabilities of tourism enabled an increase with five factors; Creative Destination, Creative Entrepreneurs, Creative Locals, Creative Activities & Products, and Creative Communication.

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How to Cite
Chokpreedapanich, T. . . (2020). Capabilities Development of Creative Tourism in Area of Thai Song Dam Ethnic Group, Khaoyoi District, Phetchaburi Province. Dusit Thani College Journal, 13(2), 101–116. retrieved from
Research Article


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