Koh-Mak Community People’s Competencies for Low Carbon Tourism Development, Trat Province

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Kamonkanok Kiatisakchai
Chuenchanok Kovin


This article written with its main purpose of analyzing The Community People’s Competencies for Low Carbon Tourism Development of Koh-Mak. Data was collected from documentary research studies, In-depth Interviews method, and Focus group discussion from 15 key informants, in order to condense conclusions and recommendations. This part of the research conducted with semi-structured interview; questionnaires and non-participant observation method as the research instruments. The competencies affirmed to be core competencies and functional competencies. These two competencies declared to be of benefit to the management and the implementing of low carbon tourism development for Koh-Mak. The core competencies divided into two levels which are organizational level and individual level. The core competencies at organization level comprised of 6 components including 1) Community empowerment 2) Community participation 3) Collaboration between organizations 4) Public support 5) Networking and alliance building and 6) Database and information. At the individual level of core competencies comprised of 3 components which are 1) knowledge 2) skills and 3) attitude.  Another competencies that found in this analyzing is functional competencies which have been studied from community people and entrepreneurs of Koh-Mak.  Community people have been implementing 8 functions and entrepreneurs implementing 10 functions in the field whereas these functions are the common settings that have been the essential tools to the management and the implementing for low carbon tourism development so called “Community People’s Competencies”.

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How to Cite
Kiatisakchai, K. . ., & Kovin , C. . . (2020). Koh-Mak Community People’s Competencies for Low Carbon Tourism Development, Trat Province. Dusit Thani College Journal, 14(2), 16–30. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journaldtc/article/view/243418
Research Article


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