Behaviors and Needs in Healthy Food Products of Consumer in Bangkok

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Kanviroon Pluphrach
Natnaree Smith


The objectives of this research were (1) to study the consumer behavior of healthy food in Bangkok (2) to study the consumer needs of healthy food products in Bangkok. The data were collected by using the questionnaire survey with 414 consumer who live in Bangkok. The statistics used in analyzing the data were Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, and One-way ANOVA.

      It was found that 50.2% of the majority consumer were female, 56% were between 20 - 30 years old. 49.3% were students and 65.5% undergraduate degree or equivalent, 76.1% was single and 46.6% earned an average monthly income below 10,000 baht and 97.6% of consumer were healthy (1) the consumer behavior of healthy food were found that 45.4% of thought that there were food groups in healthy food. 62.3% of the cost per time when using service for a healthy food stores was 100 - 250 bath. 53.1% of were access health food stores by internet online. 57% of consumer were choose healthy food for a good health. 47.6% of consumer thought that healthy food will make the healthy body. 76.1% of consumer in healthy food consumption was a regular meal. 37.7% of healthy food consumption per week was mostly moderate (2 - 3 days/ week). (2) The overview of consumer need in healthy food products was a high level (  = 4.11), when considering each aspect, it was found that the highest demand was consumption usefulness (  = 4.59), followed by product quality (  = 4.58) and accessory (  = 4.50) respectively

     The results of the hypothesis test were found that the consumer behavior in healthy food products were different from the consumer need in healthy food products as the attitude about healthy food.

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How to Cite
Pluphrach, K. . ., & Smith, N. . . (2020). Behaviors and Needs in Healthy Food Products of Consumer in Bangkok. Dusit Thani College Journal, 14(2), 307–322. retrieved from
Research Article


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