Statistical Analysis Guidelines for Quantitative Research of Marketing Mix Model and Service Quality in the Hospitality Industry
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This article aims to present statistical analysis guidelines for quantitative research in dimensions of marketing mix model and service quality in the hospitality Industry with 4 types 1. Advanced comparative statistical analysis 2. Relationship analysis by advanced statistics 3. Factor analysis 4. Part analysis. This article presents concepts of advanced statistical analysis for quantitative research in multidimensions and new concepts for integrating advanced statistical analysis with quantitative research to develop and increase research quality and value in the hospitality Industry.
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Tongkaw, A. . (2020). Statistical Analysis Guidelines for Quantitative Research of Marketing Mix Model and Service Quality in the Hospitality Industry. Dusit Thani College Journal, 14(2), 641–654. retrieved from
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Aungsuchot, S, Wijitwanna, S. and Piyophanuwat, R. (2011). Social Sciences and Behavioral Science: Techniques for Using LISREL Programs (5thed.). Bangkok: Jareandemankong. (in thai).
Bryk, A.S. & Raudenbush, S.W. (1992). A hierarchical linear model: Application and data analysis. Newburry Park: Sage Publication.
Bootthaisong, S. (2015). A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Perception of Service Quality of Higher Education in Bangkok. Academic Services Journal,
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Cengiz, E., & Yayla, H. E. (2007). The effect of marketing mix on positive word of mouth communication: Evidence from accounting offices in Turkey.
Innovative Marketing, 3(4), 73 - 86.
Chaisaengpratheep, N. (2018). Service Quality of Hotel Business in NhongkAai. VRU Research and Development Journal Humanities and Social Science, 13(1), 98-106 (in thai)
Darnell, A. C., & Johnson, P. S. (2001). Repeat visits to attractions: a preliminary economic
analysis. Tourism management, 22(2), 119 - 126. 5177(00)00036-4.
Gravetter, F.J. & Forzano, L.A.B. (2012). Research methods for the behavioural sciences
(4thed.). USA: Cengage Learning.
Hair, Jr., J.F., Black, W.C., Babin, B.J. and Anderson (2014). Multivariate Data Analysis
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Jayarman, K., Lin, S. K., Guat, C. L., & Ong, W. L. (2010). Does Malaysian Tourism Attract
Singaporeans to Revisit Malaysia. Journal of Business and Policy Research,
5(2), 159 - 179.
Kanjanawanawan, S. & Sahunan, S. (2019). Production Factors Model in Economics and the Hospitality Industry in Thailand 4.0. Dusit Thani College journal, 13(1),
369-379. (in thai).
Karam M. Ghazi (2018). Hotel Marketing Deception Practices and its Effect on Guests’
Image, 20, Journal of Tourism Research, 88 - 108.
Kaiyaworn, Y. (2014). Multivariate Statisticcal Analysis for Research. Bangkok: Chulalongkorn university. (in thai).
Kanjanavasri, S. (2013). Classical Test Theory (7thed.). Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University. (in thai).
Kot, H. W., Chen, M. H., & Huang, H. (2019). Understanding short selling activity in the
Hospitality industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 82, 136 - 148.
Kotler, P. (2000). Marketing Management. New Jersey: Prentric-hall
Luoh, H. F., & Tsaur, S. H. (2011). Customers’ perceptions of service quality: Do servers’ age stereotypes matter?. International Journal of Hospitality Management,
30(2), 283 - 289.
Meesala, A., & Paul, J. (2018). Service quality, consumer satisfaction and loyalty in hospitals: Thinking for the future. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 40, 261 - 269.
Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V. A. and Berry, L. L. (1985). A Conceptual Model of Service Quality and Its Implications for Future Research. Journal of Marketing, 49(4), 41 - 50.
Piriyakul, M. (2010). Partial Least Square Path Modeling (PLS Path Modeling) . Proceeding of Statistical Conference and Applied Statistics Conference (pp. 1 - 22).
Chiang Mai: Chiang Mai University. (in thai)
Plungpongpan, j. (2017). Implementing Activity-Based Costing in the Service Industry,
Journal of Chandrakasemsarn, 24(46), 80 - 93. (in thai)
Pongvichai, P. (2014). Statistics Analysis by Computer for Research (25thed.). Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University. (in thai).
Rojjanaprapayon, C. and Piamsuphakpong, T. (2018). The Marketing Mix Factors in Buying
Seafood of Consumers at Mahachi Market Samut Sakhon Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 12(27), 134 - 144. (in thai)
Radispong, Sh. (2011). Data Tranformation Research Results by Statistical Methods.
Journal Department of Science Service, 60(189), 16 - 19. (in thai)
Schumacher, R. E. & Lomax, R. G. (2016). A Beginnerrs Guide to Structural Equation Modeling: (4thed.) SEM. New York: Routledge.
Serivichayaswadi, P. (2015). The Implications of the Virtual Organizations in the Hospitality
Industry. Humanities Journal, 22(2), 209 - 227. (in thai)
Sithiphonlawanichkun, J. (2010). The Evolution of Management Accounting to Change in
Perspective For Executives. Journal of Accounting Profression, 6(17), 90-97. (in thai)
Suksawang, P. (2014). The Basics of Structural Equation Modeling. Princess of Naradhiwas
University Journal, 6(2), 136 - 145. (in thai)
Suksawang, P. (2018). Structural Equation Model (2thEd.). Chonburi: A. P. Blue Print. (in thai)
Tongkaw, A., Thakerngkiat, S., Ngamwongnoi , P. and Suksawang, P. (2019). The Tourism Image Influencing Loyalty of Tourists at Bali Hai, Pattaya Stepping into the Eastern Economic Corridor. Dusit thani College journal, 13(2), 67 - 87. (in thai).
Tongkaw, A. (2017). Confidence interval of one population variance by Bonett bootstrap-t method for non-normal distributions . RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL, 5(1), 11 - 19. (in thai).
Tongkaw, A. and Sroyshing, K. (2017). Factor Affecting Customer Satisfaction in service Quality of the 3-5 Hotels in Pattaya City Area Chongburi Province. Proceeding Sri-Ayutthaya Cluster 9th, Rajabhat University National Conference, 438 - 450. (in thai).
Wanichbancha, K. (2010). Principle of Statistics. Bangkok: Chulalongkorn university. (in thai).
Wacharamaneekul, N. (2015). Marketing Mix Affected to Decision Making of Consumer
About Optician's Services in Western Region of Thailand. Journal of Management Science Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 2(2), 31 - 45. (in thai)
Watcharapreeda, P., Ngamsutthi, Ch and Sirisom, J (2013). The Effects of Servicescapes on Emotional Responses and Service Quality Perception of Overseas Customers Receiving Service at Boutique Hotelsin the Mueang District Area, Chiang Mai Province. Nakhon Phanom University Journal, 3(2), 108 - 114. (in thai)
Wiratchai, N. (2009). Multi-level, Structural Equation Models. The Social Science Research Association of Thailand Journal, 16, 26 - 43. (in thai)
Wongsirisathaporn, J. (2018). The Effect Service Quality of Certified Accountancy Offices
in the Northern Part of Thailand toward Customers’ Loyalty : Customers’ Satisfaction as a Moderator Variable. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Graduate School, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 12(2), 644 - 662. (in thai).
Woo, M. (2019). Assessing customer citizenship behaviors in the airline industry: Investigation of service quality and value. Journal of Air Transport Management, 76, 40 - 47.
World Bank. (2016). Service Sector - Factor that drives Thailand new economy. Searched