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Treererk Pechmon
Parichat Sriharan
Patcharintr Sompan
Siriporn Muenhat


Research on the potential of ecotourism in Nopphitam District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province aims to evaluation of the potential of ecotourism sites. The research design mix methods research. The population and samples were community members, officials from the park and enterprise accommodations 21 people. The samples were obtained by using a specific sampling method. The data collection process consisted of in-depth interview and focus group. Content was analyzed through content analysis to evaluating the assessment and separating the scores from quality standards for ecotourism destinations.

     The study found that, The potential of ecotourism destinations in Nopphitam district Nakhon Si Thammarat Province an excellent standard (score 87.70). The most recommended value is Yod Khao Lheam viewpoint (score 93.27), Khao junglhorn (score 90.89), Krung Ching Waterfall (score 89.93), Klai Canal Rafting (score 89.47), Hong Cave (score 86.70) and Huai Lek Pra Forest Trail (score 75.86).

     Suggestions for ecotourism development in Noppitam District, Nakhon Si Thammarat province of ecotourism service providers. 1. Facilities should be managed such as safety measures. 2. Should be involved in all activities of ecotourism on a continuous basis, such as having a discussion meeting at least once a month. 3. Marketing communication should be established. Including marketing channels by focusing on social media with minimum cost and able to reach a large number of target groups. As well as, assessing the readiness of the community, such as the number of personnel in the service travel activities and enough space to accommodate tourists. For government agencies and the private sector, Knowledge management processes should be continuously supported for ecotourism service providers and local communities. Encourage to link activities such as transport, travel, and making food souvenirs, etc.

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How to Cite
Pechmon, T. . ., Sriharan, P. . ., Sompan, P. . ., & Muenhat, S. . . (2021). THE POTENTIAL OF ECOTOURISM IN NOPPHITAM DISTRICT, NAKHON SI THAMMARAT PROVINCE. Dusit Thani College Journal, 15(1), 236–252. retrieved from
Research Article


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