The Demand for Careers in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry of People Entering the Labor Market after the Epidemic of COVID-19
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The research aims were 1) to study the demand for careers in the hospitality and tourism industry of people entering the labor market after the epidemic of Covid-19 and 2) the comparison of demands for career in the hospitality and tourism industry of people entering the labor market after the epidemic of Covid-19 by their personal factors. The sample consists of 400 students who are studying in 3rd and 4th year of the tertiary institutions of the lower central region higher education research network. The questionnaire was used to collect data via Google Form. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and One-way ANOVA. The results showed that the overall demand for careers in the hospitality and tourism industry of people entering the labor market after the COVID-19 was at a high level of demand ( = 4.48, SD = 0.140). Moreover, considering each aspect in descending order, it was found that the aspect with the highest mean was the job security and life ( = 4.62, SD = 0.393), followed by the work environment ( = 4.50, SD = 0.204). The lowest mean for demand for careers was the relationship between people ( = 4.39, SD = 0.256). For the comparison of the demand for career in the hospitality and tourism industry among people entering the labor market after the Covid-19 situation classified by personal factors, we found that the different level of educational outcomes of people entering the labor market will results in the different demand for careers in the hospitality and tourism industry after the epidemic of COVID-19. Other than that, there were no statistically significant differences at the .05 level.
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