The Influence of Learning Organization and Employee’s Generation towards the Engagement of Employee of Higher Education Institutions in the Hospitality Industry of Dusit Thani College Bangkok
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This research aimed to study the influence of Learning Organization and employee’s Generation towards the Engagement of Employee of higher education institutions in the hospitality industry. The data was collected by a questionnaire with a total of 148 samples. The research tool was tested by Content Validity, Reliability and Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient which showed results of 0.96. The data were analyzed using Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation and Enter Regression. The result showed that Learning Organization has a positive influence statistically significant on the engagement of higher education institutions in the hospitality industry at the level of 0.01. While the generation is statistically insignificant to influence the employee’s engagement to higher education institution in the hospitality industry at R Square of 61.10%. From the results of this research, the Executive Committee of higher education institution in the hospitality industry should focus on developing the Learning Organization which affects employee engagement.
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