Development Product of Mee-Krop (Crispy Rice Noodle) from The Yellow Marian Plum Sauce with Wampee Fruit

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Suttiphun Dangjai


The objective of this study was to develop the Mee-Krop (Crispy Rice Noodle) recipe, Yellow Marian Plum Sauce with Wampee Fruit recipe that was selected by the experts, and evaluate the physical, chemical, and microbiological product properties and sensory evaluation. The results showed that Mee-Krop no. 01 has the highest acceptance score (7.11±0.57). The yellow Marian plum sauce in this study was prepared using 100 g, 150 g, 200 g, 250 g, and 300 g supplemented with wampee fruit 30 g and 50 g. The highest consumer acceptance score is 8.54±0.63 from recipe no. 13, which used a yellow Marian plum sauce ratio of 300 g with wampee fruit 30 g. The colorimetry of Mee-Krop yellow Marian plum sauce with wampee fruit the colorimetry of Mee-Krop yellow Marian plum sauce with wampee fruit is L* (brightness) 52.60, a* (redness) 5.42, and b* (yellowness) 10.96. The hardness and fracturabillity of this product are 0.63 and 1.19 N, respectively. The proximate analysis of Mee-Krop (Crispy Rice Noodle) from The Yellow Marian Plum Sauce with Wampee Fruit has fat 14.17 g, protein 2.94 g, carbohydrate 68.67 g, fiber 3.13 g, sugars 43.01 g, sodium 936.83 mg, vitamin A 23.655 µg, ß-carotene 141.93 µg, vitamin B1 0.030 mg, vitamin B2 0.025 mg, calcium 20.38 mg, iron 1.07 mg, ash 2.75 g, moisture 11.20 g and energy 415.05 kcal per 100 g. The water activity (aw) is 0.52. Mee-Krop (Crispy Rice Noodle) from The Yellow Marian Plum Sauce with Wampee Fruit stored in a Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) clear square box has a shelf life of 20 days. There have been no physical or microbiological changes to the products following the criteria for Thai Community Product Standards for cookies (TCPS.135/2546).

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How to Cite
Dangjai, S. (2024). Development Product of Mee-Krop (Crispy Rice Noodle) from The Yellow Marian Plum Sauce with Wampee Fruit. Dusit Thani College Journal, 18(2), 1–16. Retrieved from
Research Article


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