Analysis of the Impact and Challenges of Technology Application in Sports Development

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Jakkrapan Chupthaisong
Varutthaya Varothai


The purpose of this article is to study the role of technology in sports development, analyze innovations used in the sports industry, and identify challenges associated with implementing technology in sports.  The article aims to provide valuable information to sports administrators, fitness enthusiasts, and researchers on the sustainable and efficient use of technology in sports development. The application of technology in the sports industry plays a significant role in enhancing and improving training, competition, sports officiating, sports communication, and human resource management. Modern technologies have been introduced to advance various aspects of sports, including motion sensors, GPS systems, and wearable technologies that enhance training efficiency and monitor athlete performance. Examples of these technologies include AR systems, step counter applications, virtual reality (VR), and the Nintendo Switch. The use of technology in data management and decision-making also contributes to more accurate and efficient data analysis, such as with Hawk-Eye technology and video analysis. Moreover, the application of cloud computing and artificial intelligence (AI) in storing and analyzing competition data enables more effective strategy prediction and improvement. However, the adoption of technology in the sports industry still faces several challenges, such as data privacy and security concerns, high costs, accessibility, and the acceptance of new technologies by users.

Addressing these issues requires clear policy development and staff training to adapt and use technology effectively. This article emphasizes exploring the role of technology in sports development and offers suggestions for future technology implementation in the sports industry to ensure sustainable and efficient use of technology in sports.

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How to Cite
Chupthaisong , J. ., & Varothai, V. . (2024). Analysis of the Impact and Challenges of Technology Application in Sports Development. Dusit Thani College Journal, 18(2), 192–203. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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