Behavior and Marketing Mix Factors Affecting the Consumer’s Decision Making to Choose a “Chef’s Table” Restaurant in Bangkok
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The research aims to explore the complex interplay of personal factors, behaviors, and marketing mix elements shaping the decision-making process of customers engaging in chef’s table experiences within the Bangkok area. This research is mixed-methods research, quantitative research, the sample comprises 400 individuals with chef’s table experience in Bangkok, who contributed by completing questionnaires as the primary data collection tool. Statistical analyses, including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and hypothesis testing using t-tests, ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis at a significance level of 0.05, were conducted for quantitative data analysis, qualitative insights were gleaned from interviews with 8 key informants, who are restaurant entrepreneurs or managers of chef’s table-style establishments in Bangkok.
The study's findings 1) demographic factor in term of gender, age, occupation and monthly income significantly influence customers' dining choices at chef's table restaurants, 2) behavior in term of, expenditure per visit, preferred visit days, the influencers guiding decision-making and the accessed sources of information significantly influence customers' dining choices at chef's table restaurants,
3) marketing mix were in term product, place, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence related to the decision to choose a chef’s table restaurant in Bangkok, the coefficient of determination was 0.461 and the prediction equation was Y = 0.570 + 0.113X1 + 0.143X2 + 0.080X3 + 0.203X4 + 0.120X5 + 0.082X6 + 0.105X7 , 4) These insights have led to the development of a new framework for chef's table restaurant growth known as the "DOA Model," which focuses on three key areas: Diversity, Online presence, and Atmosphere.
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