Business Adjustment of Agricultural Equipment Stores in Bangkok Under the Trend of Environmental Conservation

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Saranya Thunmueangdon
Siripong Rugmai


The purposes of this study were: 1) To study the business problems and impacts caused by environmental conservation trends of agricultural equipment stores in Bangkok. 2) To study the business adaptation of agricultural equipment stores in Bangkok under the trend of environmental conservation, using qualitative research methodology, the main informant is the owner of an agricultural equipment store in Bangkok number of 15 places used semi-structured interviews as data collection tools. The data were analyzed by analyzing content and then presenting research results in essay format.

The results of the study were as follows: 1) Business problems and impacts caused by conservation trends environment of agricultural equipment shops in Bangkok. It was found that retail trading is a quick and easy way to do business, and the initial investment is not very high. Agricultural equipment shops in Bangkok, Most of them are characterized by retail business operations because they do not require very high investment and are easy to start a business. It can be sold and make a good profit. The start started with the opening of a small store and continued to expand respectively, such as adding more products, expanding space, and going all the way to expanding branches to create markets and create good and stable sales. 2) Business adaptation of agricultural equipment stores in Bangkok under the trend of environmental conservation.

            It was found that the store's revenue and sales showed that due to economic conditions, sales were not as expected. Therefore, various strategies must be applied in the operation, analysis of data from interviews by agricultural equipment shops in Bangkok Most of the current sales trends are considered to be in the threshold of not growing much, although sales are quite declined, it may be due to sales being fashionable and customers have changed their buying behavior. From in-store purchases, more and more online purchases are available. If there is an improvement in product sales, such as online sales or store rearrangement, it may help increase sales in the future.

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How to Cite
Thunmueangdon, S. ., & Rugmai, S. (2024). Business Adjustment of Agricultural Equipment Stores in Bangkok Under the Trend of Environmental Conservation. Dusit Thani College Journal, 18(2), 182–191. Retrieved from
Research Article


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