The Development of Human Resource Management Pattern Enhancing Human Resource Strategic Partnership of Non-profit Organization

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ปริญญา หรุ่นโพธิ์ Parinya Roonpho
ธีระวัฒน์ จันทึก Teerawat Chantuk
พิทักษ์ ศิริวงศ์


The purposes of this research paper are 1) to develop the elements of strategy for human resource management system, 2) to develop the human resource management pattern enhancing human resource strategic partnership of non-profit organization. The Pajek technique was adopt and used in order to analyze the information network. There were 17 human resource management experts to contribute the information for First and Second round-Ethnographic Delphi Futures Research (EDFR). And also Participatory Action Research (PAR) was conducted. The Cohen’s Kappa Coefficient was applied for evaluating consistency. The result reveals that the elements of the development of human resource management pattern enhancing Human Resource Strategic Partnership of Non-Profit Organization are the role of Strategic partner, the role of Administrative Experts, the roles of Change Agent, and the roles of Employee Champion, that the combination of four roles leads to the efficient strategic partner of the organization.

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How to Cite
Parinya Roonpho ป. ห., Teerawat Chantuk ธ. จ., & ศิริวงศ์ พ. (2018). The Development of Human Resource Management Pattern Enhancing Human Resource Strategic Partnership of Non-profit Organization. Dusit Thani College Journal, 11(3), 296–311. retrieved from
Academic Article


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