The Educational Administration For Elderly Of City Municipality

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Jutamas Yํongthai
Asst.Prof.Maj.,Rtar.Dr.Nopadol Chenaksara


The purpose of this study was to find out the educational administration for elderly of city municipality which applied Ethnographic Delphi Future Research to be the instrument for data collecting. There were an unstructured interview and a questionnaire. The juries of experts were 21. Techniques for selecting experts were the purposive sampling according to the specified criteria.

           The results of this research found that the educational administration for elderly of city municipality composed of 5 dimensions. 1) Policy and planning consisted of studying the government policies and measures related to the educational administration for elderly which were brought into the policy of the city municipality to make an action plan in accordance with the context and local problems by surveying the basics needs of the elderly. 2) Management consisted of the city municipality which was the main organization of education for elderly to concern about the different age, the physical health and the level of self-help ability of the elderly. The mainly educational management styles should be diverse and meet the needs of the elderly. 3) Personal promotion and development consisted of being incessant in gaining knowledge, the necessary skills, inventing new innovations, working together as a team, sincerely working with public mind, understanding, accepting, having positive attitudes towards the elderly and treating the elderly with love, kindness and generosity.    4) Administering and directing consisted of determining and assigning duties, responsibilities, operational procedures and effective communication that can be operated and aligned in the same way. 5) Controlling and evaluating consisted of controlling and evaluating should be continuous monitoring and evaluating by focusing on the elderly. There was a public hearing to know the problem, the real needs of the community, and then used as information to improve the educational management for the elderly to be more efficient.

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How to Cite
Yํongthai J. ., & Chenaksara, A. . (2022). The Educational Administration For Elderly Of City Municipality. Saengtham College Journal, 14(2), 25–53. retrieved from
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