The Priority Needs Of Teacher Development Of La Salle Schools In Thailand Based On Ict Competency Framework

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Pongpat Khasochan
Dr.Penvara Xupravati


       The purpose of this research was to 1) study the present state and the desirable of teacher in La Salle schools in Thailand based on the concept of ICT competency framework and 2) study the priority needs of teacher development in La Salle schools in Thailand based on the concept of ICT competency framework. The studies population was La Salle Chotiravi Nakhonsawan School, La Salle Chanthaburi (Mandapitak) School, La Salle School, and La Salle Sangklaburi School, academic year 2020. There were 243 informants consisting of administrators, kindergarten teachers, primary teachers, secondary teachers, and high school teachers. The research instrument used in this study was five levels rating scaled opinionnaire. The data was analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and Modified Priority Need Index (PNIModified)

       The research found that: 1) The present state of teacher in La Salle schools in Thailand based on the concept of ICT competency framework was perform at moderate level. The highest average was curriculum and assessment and the lowest average was application of digital skills. The desirable state of teacher in La Salle schools in Thailand based on the concept of ICT competency framework was perform at high level. The highest average was curriculum and assessment and the lowest average was application of digital skills. 2) The priority needs of teacher development in La Salle schools in Thailand based on the concept of ICT competency framework, sorted from highest to lowest were as follow: the highest aspect of priority need was application of digital skills (PNIModified = 0.325), organization and administration PNIModified = 0.298), pedagogy (PNIModified = 0.286), teacher professional learning (PNIModified = 0.280), understanding ICT in education (PNIModified = 0.274), curriculum and assessment (PNIModified = 0.264), respectively.

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How to Cite
Khasochan, P., & Xupravati, P. (2021). The Priority Needs Of Teacher Development Of La Salle Schools In Thailand Based On Ict Competency Framework. Saengtham College Journal, 14(2), 101–118. retrieved from
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