The State of Administration According to the Four Sublime States of Mind of the Head of an Educational Institution, Office of the Private Education Commission, Dusit District, Bangkok.

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Surat Phongamphai
Dr.Meanmas Pranpa


         The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the administrative conditions of administration according to Four sublime states of mind of school administrators. 2) to compare the administration according to the Four sublime states of mind of the school administrators by gender, education level, and work experience. The population used in this research was 705 teachers from 13 schools under the Office of the Private Education Commission, Dusit District, Bangkok. The 248 samples were selected from a stratified random sampling according to the proportion of the population in each school. The research instrument was obtained is an opinion questionnaire with 5 levels of approximation. The confidence value was 0.992. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, comparison using t-tests (Independent Samples) and One-Way ANOVA.

         The results of the research showed that: 1) the administrative conditions of four sublime states of mind of school administrators according to the opinions of teachers under the Office of the Private Education Commission, Dusit District, Bangkok found that overall at highest level 2) The results of comparing by using the  four sublime states of mind of educational institute administrators  found that different gender and different work experience has no differences opinions about the four sublime states of mind of principles in overall and each aspect. Teachers who has different educational level found that overall were different opinions about using of the Four sublime states of mind of educational institution with statistical significant at .05

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How to Cite
Phongamphai, S., & Pranpa, M. (2023). The State of Administration According to the Four Sublime States of Mind of the Head of an Educational Institution, Office of the Private Education Commission, Dusit District, Bangkok. Saengtham College Journal, 15(2), 336–359. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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