Simplicity of life for the youth of Chanthaburi Diocese Sriracha Deanery

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Prathan Tunjareon
Rev.Dr.Agustinus Sugiyo Pitoyo, S.J.
Rev.Asst.Prof.Dr.Chartchai Phongsiri


          This research aimed to study : 1) Gathering information about simplicity of life for the youth of Chanthaburi Diocese. and 2) Pastoral guidelines for simplicity of life for the youth of Chanthaburi Diocese. The mixed methods were employed using quantitative and qualitative data collec­tions. The sample used for quantitative was comprised of 59 Catholic youth who live in Chantaburi Diocese. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The experts were 15 Catholic priests obtained by purposive sampling. The research tool used for qualitative data collection was semi-structured interviews. The collected data were analyzed by content analysis.

            Research results :

           1) The average of simplicity for the youth is good (X = 3.95; S.D.= 0.527). The best average topic is self-acceptance (X = 4.19; S.D.= 0.525); the second topic is sharing spirit of solidarity (X = 4.09; S.D.= 0.578); economical life style (X = 4.05; S.D.= 0.589); ecological awareness (X =  3.58; S.D.= 0.736).

           2) The formation of simplicity for the youth of Chanthaburi Diocese. It should be the duty of the family, school and church to teach the youth about an economical life style and ecological awareness. They should guide them to value life more than money or material things and help them make better decisions about spending their money. They should help them understand how hard-earned money is and encourage them to save more. They also should give them an understanding of the value of the environment and the need to care for ecology and cleanliness.

           3) With regard to the topics of sharing the spirit of solidarity and self-acceptance, the family, school and church should teach them about charity, sacrifice, sharing with others and giving of money/ things for the poor or the needy. They also should encourage the youth to join Church activities such as camps and self-development programs. This will help them recognize their faults and develop their true selves. They will learn more about things like conscience and the common good.

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How to Cite
Tunjareon, P., Sugiyo Pitoyo, S.J., R., & Phongsiri, R. (2022). Simplicity of life for the youth of Chanthaburi Diocese Sriracha Deanery. Saengtham College Journal, 14(2), 54–74. Retrieved from
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