Factors Affecting Tourist Behavior towards the Tourists’ Decision-making to Visit Heritage Site: A case study at Lalbagh Fort in Dhaka, Bangladesh

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Md. Rajib Hasan
Sakchai Setarnawat
Tinikan Sungsuwan


        The primary aim was to study the partial utility of Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) as a conceptual framework for predicting tourists’ behavior and making decision to visit a heritage site. This study used Lalbagh Fort in Dhaka, Bangladesh as a study site. The objectives of the study were to 1) examine the factors affecting tourists’ behavior and to 2) investigate the relationships between behavior and the decision-making of tourists to visit a heritage site.

        The primary data collected through a questionnaire from 400 respondents with probability sampling method of local tourists who were visiting Lalbagh Fort. Data was analyzed by hypothesis testing using SEM analysis including CFA of tourist behavior and decision-making behavior.

        The observed result of this study showed some different views from the actual TPB model. Two hypotheses: Influence of reference groups, and Behavioral intention to visit had a positive effect on decision-making behavior to visit a heritage site. The other two hypotheses: Attitude toward visit, and Perceived behavioral control had a positive effect on behavioral intention to visit a heritage site, but found to be different for the Bangladeshi local tourists as they were statistically not significant.

        For future research, this result could be applied to other heritage sites using different models and methods. Also, comparing to the results with the same topic but from other countries could be a better step for the heritage tourism of Bangladesh.

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