The development of English teaching model linked to the art of Muay Thai based on integration and experience-oriented principles for communication

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The development of English teaching model linked to the art of Muay Thai based on integration and experience-oriented principles for communication. The purposes of this study were; (1) To study of basic information and needs the development of English teaching model linked to the art of Muay Thai. (2) To development of English teaching model linked to the art of Muay Thai. (3) To try out the pattern English teaching model linked to the art of Muay Thai. (4) To evaluate the development of English teaching model linked to the art of Muay Thai. The research target groups were, (1) 1 school director, 1 deputy school director, 5 teachers, 3 school committee, 32 students of Mathayomsuksa 6 and 32 parents of students Mathayomsuksa 6, (2) 5 experts and 5 teachers, (3) 32 students of Mathayomsuksa 6, (4) 32 students of Mathayomsuksa 6 and 5 experts. The Research instrument consisted of; (1) Structured interview form to study basic information and model development requirements. (2) Quality assessment form of teaching models and focus group meeting. (3) English communication skill assessment scale linked to the art of Muay Thai. (4) An evaluation form to measure students' attitudes towards of English teaching model linked to the art of Muay Thai based on integration and experience-oriented principles for communication and quality assessment on the development outcomes by experts to certify the results of the development of teaching models.

The results were as follows:
1. A study of basic information and needs the development of English teaching model linked to the art of Muay Thai for structured interviews, there was a need to develop a teaching-learning style according to the format.
2. The development of English teaching model is linked to the art of Muay Thai consisted of 6 step was at the high level.
3. The results of the experimental model of English language teaching model linked to the art of Muay Thai based on integration and experience-oriented communication model for Mathayomsuksa 6 students at Municipal 4 (Phoachum) School. The evaluation results found that score post-test was higher than the score pre-test significantly at the statistical level of .05.
4. Assessment results of the development of English teaching model linked to the art of Muay Thai by an expert. The evaluation results found that at a high level and certify that the English teaching model linked to the art of Muay Thai in base with the principles of integration and an experience-oriented approach for quality communication.

In conclusion, the development of English teaching model linked to the art of Muay Thai resulting in a teaching style, user manual and learning management plan can be applied in teaching and learning management.


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